• 10 Years
    Of Service
  • 15251
    Satisfied Customers
  • 16251
    Parts Serviced

How it works

Module Repair Pro provides two types of services - Repair of your module or Exchange of your module for a remanufactured one from our stock.

1. Purchase a Repair Service

2. Send us your faulty module

3. We repair and test it

4. We send it back to you

1. Purchase an Exchange Service and pay Core Deposit

2. We send you a working module from our stock

3. You send us your faulty module

4. We refund your core deposit

Our Store

5911 Lemona Ave,
Van Nuys, CA 91411

(818) 235-1095

[email protected]

MON-FRI : 8:00AM-5:00PM / FRI : 8:00AM-4:00PM

SAT: 8:00AM-12:00PM by appointments